Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Length up to 17 mm; breadth (at prothorax) 4.1 mm. Form rather slender, slightly depressed anteriorly. Head scarcely depressed, transverse (maximum head-width 2.6 mm), widest behind middle, with sides moderately strongly rounded; frons smooth, testaceous, shining, moderately strongly sclerotized; frontal sutures indiscernible; median suture complete, distinct; genae testaceous and bearing a few bristly, reddish setae. Mouthframe ferruginous. Front margin of frons very slightly curved and roundly declivous; six epistomal setae present. Antenna with segment 2 bearing an acutely conical supplementary process which is distinctly elongate. Mandible pitchy, shining, distinctly micro-granulate and bearing two stout setae near middle of outer face; inner part of dorsal surface without a striate plate. Labrum transversely oval, very pale and fringed with pale golden setae. Two pairs of ocelli present; lens strongly convex; pigmented spot distinct. Gula very broad, with sutures parallel and strongly raised. Hypostoma faintly micro-granulate, testaceous, very slightly convex. Maxillary palpi with segment 3 about as long as segment 2; lobe rather slender, cylindrical. Labial palpi with segment 2 about half as long as segment 1. Prothorax slightly depressed, trapezoidal, widest posteriorly; lateral setae sparse and pale. Pronotum very sparsely setose, pale, shining and non-spiculate; faintly microgranulate but not striate posteriorly. Eusternum and sternellum micro-granulate, sparsely setose. Abdomen with ampullae present on segments 1-7; each ampulla subtuberculate, glabrous, shining. Tergite 9 bearing a pair of vertical, spine-like urogomphi. Legs well developed, 3-segmented; unguiculus long, attenuated, imbricately spinose. Spiracles subcircular, with peritreme pale and bearing subcontiguous chambers on posterior margin. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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