Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form slender, somewhat tapering; integument smooth, shining, very hairy. Head similar to that of Tillamorpha except that the genae are not so corneous; the labrum is thin and transversely semicircular, much wider than long; the last palpal joints are relatively Longer, though not quite twice the length of the second; first and second joints of antennae subequal, longer than wide. The striae of the pronotum are distinctly separated, rather coarse; mesonotum and metatergum granulate while not noticeably so in Cyrtophorus. Legs very small, three or four joints, joints globular. Ampullae coarsely granulate. Spiracles broadly oval, peritreme thin. Pupa: Several long setae on head, a transverse row on anterior and posterior margin of pronotum, as also on each abdominal tergum becoming more numerous and longer posteriorly; several on articulation of femur and tibia. Adapted Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for most members of this tribe. This larva feeds in the outer scaly bark of Quercus, usually associated with Encyclops caerulea. The life cycle of this species is completed in one year, the adult transforming in the fall or early spring. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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