Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycidae Subfamilies and Tribes
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Trachyderes succinctus

Classification Diagnostic Features of Larvae
  • Mature larva. Head subquadrate, somewhat wider behind middle; sides appreciably constricted medially; genae strongly shouldered, protuberant, irregularly swollen and broadly ferruginous around ocellus. Front margin of frons darkly ferruginous. Hypostoma with front margin longitudinally striate and produced into a blunt tooth on each side of gula; testaceous, except front margin, which is narrowly ferruginous. One pair of ocelli present; lens large, round, protuberant; pigmented spot indistinct. Antenna with basal membrane short; segment 2 cylindrical, about twice as long as broad, not or scarcely longer than segment 3, which is very slender and about five times as long as basal width. Labrum cordate, rather densely covered with pale setae. Maxillary palp with segment 3 slightly longer than segment 2. Labial palpi with segments 1 and 2 subequal. Prothorax with pronotum subrectangular, the anterior area with a transverse yellowish band which is densely setose; posterior area longitudinally striate, glabrous; median and sublateral impressions impressed for entire length of prothorax. Presternum with a pair of testaceous, setose, sternal plates. Eusternum not distinctly defined. Postnotal fold distinct. Abdomen with ampullae non-tuberculate, micro-granulate, each with one distinct transverse impression; ventral ampullae on segments 4-6 each with a feebly sclerotized, coarsely striate plate as in Trachyderes hilaris. Pleural tubercles strongly protuberant. Legs long, 4-segmented. Spiracles with peritreme thin, broadly oval. Length up to 41 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 8.25 mm. The strongly shouldered and irregularly protuberant gena, and the dentate front margin of the hypostoma suggest close affinity to the Hesperophanini, particularly the genera Knulliana and Stromatium.

    Pupa. Head with vertex visible from above, glabrous. Antennae extending as far as abdominal segment 4, where they are recurved ventrally to terminate near front coxae. Eyes feebly convex, glabrous. Labrum glabrous. Pronotum transverse, glabrous; sides stoutly tuberculate; disc transversely striate, with three pairs of rounded tubercles sublaterally. Mesonotum glabrous; scutellum extremely elongate, the apex nearly reaching posterior margin of mesonotum. Metanotum glabrous; scutellar groove covered by produced scutellum. Elytra and wings extending to abdominal segment 3. Abdomen with tergites 2-6 with numerous short, straight spines which are inclined posteriorly and arranged more or less in two transverse rows. Tergite 7 with numerous stouter spines which are all strongly curved inwards (almost right angled) towards center of tergite; posterior margin with a transverse row (interrupted medially) of slightly stouter, more abruptly angled spines; above this row of spines is a pair of paramedian tubercles each bearing a pair of outwardly curved spines. Tergite 8 with several much smaller spines which are feebly curved inwards. Segment 9 retracted into segment 8. Sternites glabrous. Legs glabrous, with hind femora extending to abdominal segment 4. Functional spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-5, those on segments 6 and 7 being closed and probably nonfunctional; peritreme broadly oval, obliquely set, the inner walls of the partly exposed atrium lined with digitiform processes. Length up to 32 mm; maximum breadth 11.5 mm. Adapted from Duffy (1960).
Biology and Economic Importance
  • Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens     Longicorn ID images on Bugwood ITP Node
Longicorn ID last updated 2020  E.H. Nearns, N.P. Lord, S.W. Lingafelter, A. Santos-Silva, K.B. Miller, & J.M. Zaspel