Ortholeptura valida
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Head, sides regularly rounded, bearing a few long setae; labrum transversely oval, about twice as wide as long; mandible rather smooth on outer face, bearing a faint transverse band of striae, dorsal angle very abruptly and strongly toothed; one elongate oval ocellus; last joint of maxillary palpi conical, slightly shorter than second; a single gular suture. Proeusternum velvety pubescent on posterior lateral angles; sternellum velvety pubescent; mesonotum and metanotum velvety pubescent; legs slender, femur and tibia subequal, tarsus slender. Ampullae surrounded by velvety pubescence and having several narrow transverse bands, tubercles very small, abrupt, separated; spiracles oval, scarcely larger than ocellus.
Pupa. Head bearing a few setae; two prominent tuberculiform groups of setiferous points on anterior margin of pronotum and two transverse bands on posterior margin; a median spinose tubercle on mesonotum and two on posterior margin of metanotum; a transverse band (divided in middle) of short, acuminate points on posterior margin of each abdominal segment; two recurved hooks on dorsal anal lobe. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Specimens have been collected in very decayed wood of Tsuga and Abies in California. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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