Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycidae Subfamilies and Tribes
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Methia necydalea

Classification Diagnostic Features of Larvae
  • Larva. Form, integument and body characters similar to those of Tessaropa. The larvae can be easily recognized by the processes of the maxillary palpifer and the first palpal joint, being well-developed and bearing long incurved setae, the latter being much heavier and extending beyond the palpus. The head tapers more in front than in Tessaropa; the labrum is orbicular, and the ocellus is black. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
  • Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens     Longicorn ID images on Bugwood ITP Node
Longicorn ID last updated 2020  E.H. Nearns, N.P. Lord, S.W. Lingafelter, A. Santos-Silva, K.B. Miller, & J.M. Zaspel