back to About Taxonomic and Geographic Scope Longicorn ID is limited taxonomically to cerambycoid beetles (families: Cerambycidae, Disteniidae, Oxypeltidae, and Vesperidae), a large group of wood boring beetles with an estimated 4,000 genera and 40,000 described species worldwide. The current version of Longicorn ID (released September 2020) contains identification keys to all families, subfamilies, and tribes of cerambycoid beetles. Cerambycoid beetles are distributed worldwide and are found on all continents except Antarctica. Longicorn ID is not limited in scope geographically and taxa are represented from the world fauna. |
Parandra (Parandra) glabra (Degeer, 1774) (Cerambycidae: Parandrinae: Parandrini) Monteverde, Costa Rica © K. Nishida |