Marrubium vulgare L.

Family: Lamiaceae

Pertinent Synonyms & Notes (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other synonyms)


Pertinent Common Names (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other common names)


Primary Disseminule Type

fruit segment

Description (diagnostics are in brown)

Fruit composed of four nutlets (each a dry, indehiscent, single-seeded fruit segment), these enclosed by a bur-like sepal tube until individual nutlets fall to the ground.

Nutlet narrowly oblong to oblanceolate in outline, apex rounded to truncate, base slightly tapered, cross-section triangular to sector-shaped (rounded on dorsal side, ridged ventrally, somewhat compressed dorsiventrally), (1)1.5–2.5 mm long x 0.9–1.3 mm wide x 0.7–0.9 mm thick. Surface dull, blackish to grayish-brown, minutely pitted, with various densities of minute and distinctly-colored (tan, gray, brown) papillae on top creating an overall mottled appearance.

Nutlet attachment scar ± round, sub-basal.

Risk Assessment (codes in yellow or red indicate cause for concern; assessments are current as of mid-2011; click AUQP, NZBORIC, or NZBPI for access to the most recent versions of these databases and possible assessment changes)