Logfia filaginoides (Hook. & Arn.)

Family: Asteraceae, Tribe: Gnaphalieae

Pertinent Synonyms & Notes (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other synonyms)

Filago californica Nutt.

Pertinent Common Names (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other common names)

California cottonrose

Primary Disseminule Type

2 fruit types—with or without papillae

Description (diagnostics are in brown)

Fruit of two types of cypsela.

Outer cypselae oblong to oblanceolate, ± straight, laterally compressed, 0.9–1.1 mm long. Surface grayish-brown, glabrous, shiny, not papillate. Pappus none.

Inner cypselae 0.9–1 mm long x 0.2–0.4 mm wide x 0.1–0.2 mm thick. Surface with a light sheen, wrinkled longitudinally, sparsely covered with plump papillae. Pappus of 17–23+ barbellate bristles 1.9–3 mm long falling in complete or partial rings, early deciduous.

Style base missing or inconspicuous, a whitish nub sitting inside an indistinct (especially on outer cypselae) apical scar ca. 0.1 mm across.

Fruit attachment scar basal, elongated (outer cypselae only), white, shiny, ring-like.

Similar Species

Similar Species Comparison Chart

Risk Assessment (codes in yellow or red indicate cause for concern; assessments are current as of mid-2011; click AUQP, NZBORIC, or NZBPI for access to the most recent versions of these databases and possible assessment changes)