Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.

Family: Poaceae, Tribe: Aveneae

Pertinent Synonyms & Notes (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other synonyms)

Agrostis alopecuroides Lam.

Pertinent Common Names (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other common names)

rabbitfoot polypogon

Primary Disseminule Type


Description (diagnostics are in brown)

Spikelets solitary, pedicelled (pedicel linear, 0.5 mm long, scabrous), oblong, laterally compressed, 2–3 mm long (not including awns), consisting of 1 fertile floret, without rachilla extension. Disarticulation occurs below glumes. Spikelet callus square, base obtuse.

Glumes similar, oblong, 1–2.7 mm long, twice the length of the adjacent fertile lemma, membranous, keeled above, 1-veined (lateral veins absent), midvein scabrous, surface asperulous, hispidulous, largest prickles (to 0.1 mm) restricted to the lower half, margins ciliolate, apices rounded, emarginate (bristly lobes 0.1–0.2 mm long), awn 3–10 mm long.

Floret: rachilla absent, callus short, rounded, oblique.

Lemma oblong to elliptic, 0.5–1.5 mm long, hyaline, glabrous, without keel, 5-veined (lateral veins obscure), apex truncate and minutely dentate, 4-fid, awnless or awn 0.5–5 mm long, typically extending beyond the glumes.

Palea subequal to lemma, hyaline, 2-veined, keels on veins slightly excurrent.

Caryopsis elliptic to obovate in outline, trigonous in cross-section, 0.75–1.3 mm long x 0.4–0.6 mm wide, light brown, embryo ca. 0.33 length of caryopsis, hilum linear.

Similar Species

Similar Species Comparison Chart

Risk Assessment (codes in yellow or red indicate cause for concern; assessments are current as of mid-2011; click AUQP, NZBORIC, or NZBPI for access to the most recent versions of these databases and possible assessment changes)