Poa secunda J. Presl

Family: Poaceae, Tribe: Poeae

Pertinent Synonyms & Notes (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other synonyms)

Poa ampla Merr., P. sandbergii Vasey

Pertinent Common Names (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other common names)

big bluegrass, Sandberg bluegrass

Primary Disseminule Type


Description (diagnostics are in brown)

Spikelets oblong to narrowly lanceolate, not bulbiferous, (3.5)5–9(10) mm long x 0.6–2 mm wide, subterete to weakly laterally compressed, consisting of 2–6 fertile florets, with sterile florets at apex looking similar to fertile florets. Disarticulation at base of each fertile floret.

Glumes persistent, shorter than spikelet, broadly lanceolate, membranous, keels indistinct, surface asperulous, rough above, 1–3-veined, lateral veins absent or obscure, apices acute. Lower glume 0.9 length of upper glume. Upper glume with hyaline margins.

Floret: rachilla persistent, 1–2 mm long, smooth or scaberulous, glabrous or sparsely hairy, callus glabrous.

Lemma oblong to narrowly lanceolate, 3.5–5(6) mm long, membranous, weakly keeled, midvein weakly ribbed, lateral veins obscure, surface rough, glabrous or puberulous, hairy at base.

Palea 0.9 length of lemma, surface pubescent, keels scaberulous.

Caryopsis lanceolate, 1–2.5 mm long x 0.3–0.6 wide, brown, embryo <0.33 length of caryopsis, hilum round.

Similar Species

Similar Species Comparison Chart

Risk Assessment (codes in yellow or red indicate cause for concern; assessments are current as of mid-2011; click AUQP, NZBORIC, or NZBPI for access to the most recent versions of these databases and possible assessment changes)