Hordeum murinum L. ssp. leporinum
(Link) Arcang.
Family: Poaceae, Tribe: Triticeae
Pertinent Synonyms & Notes (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other synonyms)
Hordeum leporinum Link
Pertinent Common Names (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other common names)
mouse barley
Primary Disseminule Type
a triplet of spikelets (1 fertile, 2 sterile) subtended by a rachis segment
Description (diagnostics are in brown)
Disseminule is a deciduous cluster of 3 spikelets (1 fertile in center, 2 sterile laterals) subtended by a persistent pubescent rachis internode measuring 2.5–3 mm long.
Fertile spikelet consists of a single pedicellate (pedicel 1–2 mm long) fertile floret with rachilla extension and is lanceolate, dorsally compressed, shorter than sterile spikelets.
Sterile spikelet consists of a single sterile floret and is pedicellate, lanceolate, dorsally compressed.
Glumes similar, collateral, straight to gaping, subulate (like bristles) to flattened, 25–30 mm long, ciliate on margins.
Fertile lemma ovate, 7–12 mm long, coriaceous, scabrous, without keel, 5-veined, apex acuminate, awn (18)20–40(50) mm long (shorter than those of sterile lemmas), scabrous.
Fertile palea similar to fertile lemma, somewhat translucent.
Sterile lemma 8–15 mm long, awn 20–50 mm long.
Sterile palea scabrous on lower half.
Caryopsis ellipsoid, dorsally compressed, 6–7 mm long x 1.5–2 mm wide, brown, apex hairy, embryo 0.2 length of caryopsis, hilum linear, same length as caryopsis, in longitudinal groove.
Similar Species
Similar Species Comparison Chart
Risk Assessment (codes in yellow or red indicate cause for concern; assessments are current as of mid-2011; click AUQP , NZBORIC, or NZBPI for access to the most recent versions of these databases and possible assessment changes)