
Copyright, Disclaimers, and Citation

Copyright notice

Some of the content on this website (site) was created by David Evans Walter, of Colorado State University (CSU), for the Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST) through a cooperative agreement between CSU and CPHST. This content may be freely distributed or copied as in the public domain. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work CPHST and CSU be given appropriate acknowledgement (see below).

This site also contains information, text, and images created and/or prepared by individuals (including David Evans Walter) or institutions other than CSU or CPHST, that may be protected by copyright. Users must seek permission from the copyright owner(s) to use any copyrighted material.

As copyright holders are not, for the most part, indicated in text or in image captions on pages in this site, please contact the Identification Technology Program (itp@aphis.usda.gov) for this information, and for all permission requests.

Suggested citation for CSU/CPHST-authored content

Walter, D.E., Invasive Mite Identification: Tools for Quarantine and Plant Protection, Lucid v. 3.6, last updated July 24, 2006, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO and USDA/APHIS/PPQ Center for Plant Health Science and Technology, Raleigh, NC.
[date you accessed site] - <http://idtools.org/id/mites/invasive_mite/



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