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Common names:
slaters, pillbugs, isopods, sowbugs
Probability of
encounter: high
Quarantine importance:
tramp species.
Similarity to mites:
- Morphology
Normal adult length: 5-15 mm
Body tagmata: head (1 obvious pair of antennae), thorax (7 pairs of
legs), abdomen (5 free segments; 1 pair of biramous uropods)
Eyes: compound lateral
Antennae: antennae with < 10 segments; antennules vestigial
Mouthparts: mandibles without palps; two pairs of maxillae
Legs: 7 thoracic pairs
Respiration: abdominal gills and pseudotracheae in basal leg segments
Gonopore: first abdominal segment
Distinguishing features: dorsoventrally compressed; one obvious pair
of antennae; 7 pairs of legs and 1 pair of uropods
The isopod body may be dorso-ventrally flattened, but is often dome-like dorsally
and some species can curl into a ball. The second pair of antennae (antennules)
are vestigial. The thorax has 7 pairs of legs and the abdomen has a single
pair of biramous uropods.
- Diversity:
>10,000 species.
- References
Tree of Life -
Trueman JWH and Dimitriadis
S. (1999). Key to families of Australian aquatic Crustacea, in, An Interactive
Guide to Australian Aquatic Invertebrates. Windows Edition 2. CSIRO Publishing,
Collingwood, Victoria (LucID CD-ROM interactive key).
Williams WD. 1980. Australian Freshwater Life: The Invertebrates of Australian
Inland Waters. Macmillian: Melbourne