Maize Orange Leafhopper


Cicadulina bipunctata

Abbreviation: N/A


Maize orange leafhopper is present in: Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, India, Japan, Oman, Saudia Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Italy. 

Affected Commodities

Maize orange leafhopper is a pest of the following plants: cereals (primarily millet, rice, wheat, sorghum, oats, and barley), grasses (primarily crabgrass, bamboo, bristlegrass, and Italian ryegrass), corn, and maize. Citrus plants can also be affected.

Commodity Damage

Evidence of maize orange leafhopper damage includes: maize wallaby ear symptom, stunted growth, decline in yield, upheaval of leaf veins, and galls.

Port Inspections

CBP Agriculture Specialists, please refer to manuals for general inspection guidelines. When performing inspections, examine grasses, maize, and listed plant matter for scar tissue, white streaks, growth abnormalities, and other pest evidence, and verify the products and packaging are free of maize orange leafhopper and any other pests.

 Maize orange leafhopper adult; photo by L. Santos,

Maize orange leafhopper adult; photo by L. Santos,

 Maize orange leafhopper adult; photo by H. Alberts,

Maize orange leafhopper adult; photo by H. Alberts,

 Maize orange leafhopper adult; photo by H. Alberts,

Maize orange leafhopper adult; photo by H. Alberts,

 Maize orange leafhopper adult, dorsal and lateral view; photo by H. Löcker, ASCU

Maize orange leafhopper adult, dorsal and lateral view; photo by H. Löcker, ASCU