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Curcuma L.


  Curcuma australasica
Photo: © M. Fagg, Australian National
Botanic Gardens
Common names

rose turmeric, jewel of Burma, hidden lily

Species cultivated

Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep.2

C. amada Roxb.

C. elata Roxb.

C. gracillima Gagnep.

C. petiolata Roxb. (=C. cordata Wallich)

C. roscoeana Wallich


     C. aurantiaca Zijp1

     C. australasica Hook. f.


India and Malaysia to Australia.

Brief characterization

Leafy or leafless stems bearing terminal, conelike spikes with spirally arranged bracts; lower bracts connate halfway up their sides, broad, green, often tinged with red or purple and forming pouches enclosing 2-7 flowers; upper bracts (coma) sterile and brightly colored; calyx synsepalous, split on one side, 2- or 3-toothed; corolla funnelform; 4 petaloid staminodes, of which 2 are lateral and 2 fused into a large lip (labellum); 1 broad fertile stamen; style inserted between locules of anther.

Cultivar and/or species variation

Inflorescence 12-20 cm long; upper colored bracts the most conspicuous feature, sometimes collectively looking flower-like, appressed or spreading, white to pink, purple, and orange; actual flowers most often inconspicuous, but sometimes protruding from the lower bracts, commonly yellow and/or white.

May be confused with


Countries exporting


Curcuma aeruginosa
Photo: © Kurt Stüber

Curcuma elata
Photo: © B.R. Brunner, 2003-2005 Montoso Gardens <>
Curcuma sp. 'Nardo'
Photo: © B.R. Brunner, 2003-2005 Montoso Gardens <>

Curcuma sp.
Photo: © California Cut Flower Commission